The Fergie Story: Paradise Lost
When the marriage between Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson began, Sarah was one of the most popular women to become Duchess of York since the creation of the title in 1385.
With her informal style and sense of fun, Sarah seemed like a breath of fresh air sweeping through a somewhat outdated institution. Her later behaviour, however, proved to be her undoing as their marriage collapsed under the strain of scandal.
The Fergie Story: Paradise Lost provides a unique glimpse into the life of the woman who could have been one of the most influential members of the Royal Family.
Edward and Wallis: The Bahamas Scandals
It's 1940 and as the Battle of Britain rages overhead and the country cowers amidst the destruction, the world's most scandalous couple is exiled to a tropical paradise.
Even exile, however, could not stop the problems caused by Edward and Wallis.
Newly uncovered FBI files reveal shocking secrets.